When I’m Her

4 Star

Overall Take:
If you’re up for a fresh new take on a sci-fi book then check this one out!

Star Rating:
4 Stars

Sci-Fi Thriller, Thriller

Mary and Elizabeth are opposites, but they’re best friends. Until Elizabethe makes a grave mistake and leaves Mary to take the blame.

It’s years later, and while Elizabeth seems to have forgotten Mary, Mary has not forgotten her. Mary has a way to switch bodies with Elizabeth, and she has a plan to steal everything that Elizabeth holds dear.  

I love technology thrillers and this one was so much fun, I always get a kick out of the fact that they’re labeled sci-fi too. I like them to include just a little bit of technology, slightly more advanced than what we currently have, but for it to be used in unexpected and unspeakable ways. This author did a fantastic job making the tech seem believable and not all that farfetched, which is the perfect balance to achieve in my opinion. Though, I hope we never go this direction with tech, I’m sure people will try!

This one did take a little bit to get into as I wasn’t really sure what was going on at all, but as the pieces began falling into place my lightbulb went off and things started clicking. After the initial hurdle with pacing, the story picked up and moved along at a nice clip. Books that are hard to get into can be so hard to read because I want to be grabbed right from the start, I think books need a good hook. That’s why I had to knock this one down a star, I felt the hook was lacking and I had to rely on the synopsis to keep me engaged.

I didn’t really like either Elizabeth or Mary, but I didn’t feel like I needed to in order to enjoy this story, I just needed to know what was happening! But for not liking the characters, I felt that they were well developed and unique. It was a little difficult to keep track of who was who, but I found the chapter markers really helped a ton here. I loved all the poor choices that were made throughout the book, that’s really what this book was about, poor choices, and the consequences of those choices.

This book was a lot of fun once I got into it. I was so entertained and loved the technological element! What a fun twist.

Publication Date:  
March 26, 2024

Sarah Zachrich Jeng

Page Length
384 pages

Thank you to:
Thank you so much to Berkley Pub, @BerkleyPub and Netgalley for this e-arc. All thoughts are my own.

Berkley Pub

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