A Dream in the Dark


Overall Take:

A book that will make you stop and think

Star Rating:

4.5 Stars




Liza has firsthand knowledge of how the justice system has failed, it’s why she became a lawyer. Now she works at a nonprofit to free those who have been wrongfully imprisoned. When Moses King reaches out to her, Liza goes to work to prove his innocence. She recruits Eli to help, but Eli is dealing with some demons and not able to fully commit to the case.

Frustrated, Liza turns to Moses’s accuser, who was never able to identify him clearly. But she is hiding some dark secrets, and not keen on them being exposed. Can Liza clear Moses’s name when the deck is stacked against him?

Books that are based on, even loosely, fact, just hit me a little harder than pure fiction, and this was one of those books. I did struggle to get into this one and almost DNF’d it a few times, but I ended up being glad I didn’t. Things picked up towards the middle of the book, and by then I was too invested to put it down. I just needed to know how things resolved, and the struggle ended up being worth it. I enjoyed learning about Liz, and while I didn’t always like her, I respected her and loved reading about her choices.

This book would be great for a book club because it opens the door to great social issue discussion. I could imagine having some great discussion after reading this one. I also loved hearing that the author gives a portion of all his proceeds to subgroups of the Innocence Project. That alone makes me a reader for life as I love hearing and learning about ways people give back.

Publication Date:  

July 23, 2024


Robert Justice

Page Length

336 pages


Crooked Lane Books

Thank you to:

Thank you so much to Crooked Lane Books @CrookedLaneBooks and Netgalley @Netgalley for this e-arc. All thoughts are my own. 

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